Sponsored Cleanup Program

Why Host a Sponsored Cleanup?

  • Help protect our rivers, streams, beaches, and ocean.
  • Provide a COVID-safe and socially distant team activity.
  • Promote a healthy lifestyle for your employees.
  • Establish your company as an engaged and conscientious member of the community.
  • Encourage your membership and workforce to engage in volunteerism.
  • Strengthen team culture and morale.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to conservation.
Partner Cleanup Challenge - corporate team

The Sponsored Cleanup Experience

The San Diego Coastkeeper Sponsored Cleanup Program gives organizations and companies the opportunity to promote environmental stewardship among their membership or workforce. By hosting a cleanup, participating companies will demonstrate a positive and strong commitment to protecting our region’s most precious natural resources.

Coastkeeper Partner Cleanup Challenge - beach cleanup box
Coastkeeper Partner Cleanup Challenge - canopy

Coastkeeper staff will help tailor a unique cleanup experience for your group, provide educational support and training, provide materials and facilitate the event and present you with a customized report of your company’s impact following the event.

Let's Get Started

Ready to mobilize your team with a sponsored cleanup? Fill out our sponsored cleanup request form.

Have more questions? Get in touch with our marine programs coordinator.