I heard my first “BOO!” of the year…but it wasn’t for Halloween.
To all those who mistake youth for stupidity…
We are a far cry from naïve and uninformed children you think we can be. The students in that room are not the ones following the flock. Quite the opposite, we know that we need to begin conserving our scarce resources. Our education only serves to empower us because we know what we have lost and what is at stake, but we know that we can begin taking back our future. We have power and conviction in our views. WE are the ones who will ultimately have to live with the decisions made today. But, our generation is taking the first steps toward change. It is our future and we are taking the opportunities to show our support and voice our opinions. Let’s restore our oceans and coasts by establishing a strong network of scientifically-supported MPAs.
Everyone, regardless of age, should join San Diego Coastkeeper in the fight and voice your support for MPAs by sending a letter to the Fish and Game Commission before the vote in December!
Let’s leave the “BOOs” for Halloween.