San Diego Coastkeeper offers twice-monthly volunteer opportunities through our community beach cleanup program. To learn more about community cleanups, click here.

Additionally, we periodically solicit volunteer assistance with educational and outreach events, co-hosting beach cleanups, and occasional administrative tasks. Once a year, we recruit a hard-working batch of volunteers to help out at Seaside Soirée, our large annual fundraiser and celebration of the last year’s worth of clean water victories. You can stay in the loop about all upcoming volunteer opportunities by signing up for our newsletter.


The Watershed Watch program is our newly named Water Quality Monitoring initiative, encompassing four key areas in San Diego: Mission Bay, Chollas Creek, San Diego Bay, and the San Diego River. 

This expanded program offers diverse volunteering opportunities beyond water quality sampling. Check out our Mission Bay Water Quality Monitoring Program page to learn more. You can sign up for our volunteer platform which will give you access to register for upcoming opportunities such as water quality monitoring field days and outreach event support. There are monthly opportunities for both weekdays and weekends. 

Our Mission Bay and Chollas Creek sampling events offer the opportunity to receive a stipend, the first ten (10) volunteers that sign up for weekend Mission Bay events are eligible for a stipend, and for weekday events, the first two (2) volunteers that sign up are eligible for a stipend. Stipends are $60 and are given in the form of a virtual visa gift card. Learn more about the Mission Bay program and create your volunteer account today!


San Diego Coastkeeper loves positive symbiotic relationships, and the partnership we have with our interns is among the best. Internships are where talented people can apply their strengths and skills in legislative work, marketing, education or event planning to meaningful environmental work. For full details on Coastkeeper internships, check out our internship page.


Coastkeeper is happy to offer community service verification letters for volunteer work done under supervision of Coastkeeper staff or at Coastkeeper event. We cannot verify community service for unsupervised hours, such as time spent conducting your own beach cleanup using our Beach Cleanup in a Box kit. For people who need to complete a large number of hours as part of a certification program or by court order, we occasionally need help with in-office projects such as assembling education kits and stuffing envelopes, and you are welcome to reach out to us to inquire about current availability. Please write to volunteer@sdcoastkeeper.org if you have any questions.